
Symptoms of Low Blood And Low Blood Causes

Low blood or hypotension is a very low blood pressure that causes symptoms or signs caused due to low blood flow through the arteries and veins. When the blood flow is too low to drain oxygen and adequate nutrients in the vital organs of the brain, kidneys, heart, the organs do not work normally and will cause permanent damage. Unlike the case with high blood pressure, low blood pressure can be known signs and symptoms of low blood flow and not determined by specific blood pressure levels. In general, systolic blood pressure for healthy adults ranges from 90-120 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) while for diastolic blood pressure is normally between 60-80 mmHg.
Low blood symptoms include:

- Diarrhea
- Stress
- Shock
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Gag
- Pregnancy
- Give birth
- Problems or disorders of the heart
- Side effects of certain drugs
- Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)
Low blood features common to a person include:
1. Patients usually often complain of headaches or dizziness.
2. Patients usually will often experience confusion.
3. Patients usually will often feel blurred vision, or eyes blazing. This happens when the patient after sitting long then immediately standing or walking.

4. Patients will feel his body tired even no energy to perform activities.
5. Often yawning.
6. Frequent cold sweat on the feet and hands.
7. Patients usually appear pale and weak pulse.

In addition there are other low blood causes caused by dilation of blood vessels, hormonal changes in the body, anemia, side effects from drugs, and there are problems in the liver and endocrine. If you experience the characteristics as above, then you can be sure that you have low blood. Well, for those of you who suffer from low blood so often move to circulate blood in the body. Expand the consumption of water to help reduce symptoms of low blood. In addition, you can also increase the salt content in your diet, but do not overdo it, because something that is too good is not good because it will cause hypertension or high blood pressure that can harm the body.

Prevention efforts that you can do to avoid low blood that you should be diligent exercise to keep your body to always healthy, and diligent in consuming fruits and vegetables that are useful to improve the immune system so that you avoid the attack of various diseases that interfere Your health later on. Hopefully this post is useful for you and you can pay more attention to your health especially about the symptoms of low blood disease.


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