
Yogyakarta Keraton Palace

Yogyakarta Palace is the best example of architectural masterpiece of the most interesting traditional Java. This palace was completed in 1790. It is the center of activities in the sultanate of Yogyakarta. Yogya Sultan was governor of the province of Yogyakarta, while the head of culture in Jogja is respected and loved by all the people of Yogyakarta.
Stroll around the castle and explore every detail in the actual resort is the best way to enjoy one of the tourist attractions in Jogja. One of the most impressive buildings in Yogyakarta Palace Kencono room, namely, a “flag inlaid gold.” This magnificent building is an example of art that reflects the diversity of religion in Java and culture of the area. You will not find it is believed that a military guard at the palace complex that the palace is protected by the power of the spirits.

Sultan Palace Address: Jl El Norte, Yogyakarta.
GPS coordinates: -7.805284,110.364203


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